
Thursday, December 22, 2011

All About Fashion (for women)

Fashion,fashion,fashion.It has become a trend in the world.People who doesn't know about fashion would be told badly and calls him/herself stupid.Look,I don't wanted to hurt your feelings but that's what it's all about!And that is why I'm posting about this entry,because with tips from a trusted source,you will be a new thing!

Now,what's important in fashion is the colours.Colours actually act as a 'detector' of ourselfs.So,we have to be smart at choosing it.If today is Monday,wear clothes with a colour of confidence,like red,orange and etc.If it's Tuesday,wear clothes with earth tone,like brown,gold and yellow.But you need to be careful though,sometimes it's too annoying for the surroundings to see.Match brown with gold,yellow with dark green.For Wednesday,wear clothes with the aqua tone or the sea tone such as aqua blue,marine blue and old blue.Thursday is the day for you to express your feelings.Not really in the music?What I meant is to wear clothes with the colours that fit your expression.Bright colours for a happy feeling,strong colours for a bold feeling,earth colours for a polite feeling or not-too-dull colours for a sad feeling.NEVER wear colours that shows you're angry,because that might ruin your day.What about Friday?It's a casual day,meaning that you need to wear something casual,like T-shirt with jeans and sneakers,mini blouse with a long skirt and and a pair of cardigan with a pair of flippers (not that japanese flippers,okay!) OR if you're going to work,wear a strapless blouse and a high,flat-heel shoe.
See?Fashion is actually simple,just that you need to experiment with colours,type of outlet,the pattern and of course,shoes!
-Mrs. Fashionista-

  • All About Fashion (for men)
  • Oh,no!What make up should I customize!
  • Women's best friend,SHOES!